When I arrived at HSC at 12:00am on August 1st, I can only imagine it was chaos. Family members wondering what was wrong, doctors wondering where to start.
Originally it was thought that this was a trauma accident from tubing so they started there. I was sent for a CT scan and MRI. The CT results came back, I had 3 internal brain bleeds. This was still thought to be from the "concussion". This is what the doctors thought they needed to treat. My condition continued to deteriorate so they needed to dig deeper to find out what was going on. The doctors ran some blood tests.
I had been in the hospital for about a day at this point. This was when the rumors started to spread like wildfire about what had happened to me. A couple that I heard were that my boat hit another boat on the lake, or that I was hit by a boat when I was in the water. I can't blame anyone though, still no one knew what the hell happened to me. Not even my family...
I was admitted to the intensive care unit at this point, where I continued to deteriorate. That's when the blood test results came back...August 2nd, 2009. A day my family will never forget...
So scary Jamie, you are on tough mofo